The Government of the Republic of Indonesia (“the Government”) amended the calculation methodology of Article-21 income tax on income in relation to work, services, or activities of individuals (“Article-21 Income Tax”). The aforementioned revision embodied in the Government Regulation Number 58 of 2023 on Tariffs for Withholding Article-21 Income Tax on Income in Relation to Work, Services, or Activities of Individual Taxpayers (“GR No. 58/2023”) and the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia (“MoF”) Regulation Number 168 of 2023 on Implementing Guidelines for Withholding Tax on Income in Relation to Work, Services, or Activities of Individuals (“MoFR No. 168/2023”). Both GR No. 58/2023 and MoFR No. 168/2023 came into effect on 1 January 2024. .
This Legal Insight Publication (“LIP”) will delve into the revised calculations of Article-21 Income Tax utilizing the effective tax rate (“ETR”) following the implementation of GR No. 58/2023 and MoFR No. 168/2023.
You may download the full article in English or Bahasa Indonesia on the following link.
English Version
Bahasa Indonesia Version