Roem is a Founder and Partner of the HMRP. He earned his Bachelor's Degree in Law with Cum Laude predicate from Diponegoro University where he majored in International Law. He involved in corporate, commercial, and SME, as well as individual financing projects, business banking transactions, debt restructuring & bankruptcy, commercial & criminal litigation, general corporate, non-performing loan settlement and collection when he worked for PT Bank Central Asia Tbk (well known as BCA) as an in-house counsel. (Listed in the World’s 2000 Biggest Companies in Forbes Global 2000 Awards 2022, BCA had successfully ranked at #462 in 2022.)
Moreover, when he worked for various law firms in Jakarta, Roem has represented the Clients on litigation, employment, banking and finance, merger & acquisition, energy, and also general corporate transactions in Indonesia. He also has been exposed to handling bankruptcy and suspension of debt payment, capital market, mining & energy, construction, tax advisory and litigation, and also foreign investment practices. Additionally, He also does considerable work on serving legal opinion for certain daily business activities as needed by the Clients.
He holds a Bar permit and a member of the Indonesian Advocate Association (PERADI). Roem also registered as a Capital Market Legal Consultant by Otoritas Jasa Keuangan Republik Indonesia (Indonesian Financial Services Authority) and member of Indonesian Capital Market Legal Consultant Association (HKHPM).
Roem speaks Bahasa and English.
Merger & Acquisition Capital Market Corporate Investment Good Coporate Governnace Employment Litigation Public & Administrative Law Alternative Dispute Resolution